Python Pro - Python Web Development With Django

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Learn to build Dynamic web applications with Python Django framework. This course covers backend development using Django, and integrating them for powerful web solutions. Develop your skills in creating databases, handling forms, user authentication, and deploying projects. Perfect for aspiring web developers seeking a comprehensive understanding of Backend Web development with Python and Django.

1k+ Satisfied Learners
Aaveg Gupta Sir
Front End Dev Expert
Shubham Sir
Python Dev Expert
Why should you take Python Web Development Programming Certification Course?

Python Web development Course offers versatility, powering both server-side and client-side aspects. With frameworks like Django for backend and tools like HTML & CSS for frontend, Python Web developers can create robust web applications efficiently.

Leading IT firms like Google, Facebook, Netflix, and Dropbox utilize Python Web development, leveraging frameworks like Django for backend a, ensuring scalable and innovative web solutions.

Python Django Developers in the US market command salaries ranging from $70,000 to $120,000 annually, varying based on experience, location, and company size. Entry Level Salary My Start from $60,000 to $80,000.

Front End Development



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Full Stack Development



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Code mantra Also Provide Pre-recorded Study Material With Assignment, which have Class Room Recording as well as Studio Recorded Study Material with Huge Assignment Library. through which Student can Implement All Concept Practically.

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Python Web Development Course Curriculum
Core Python
Introduction to Python
  • Overview of Python
  • Installing Python
  • Basic Syntax and Data Types
  • Python syntax basics: variables, data types, and operators
Control Flow
  • Conditional statements: if, elif, else
  • Looping constructs: for, while
  • Break and continue statements
Data Structures and Collections Datatype
  • Lists, Tuples, and Sets
  • Dictionaries
  • List Comprehensions
  • Built-in Functions
Functions and Modules
  • Defining Functions
  • Parameters and Arguments
  • Returning Values
  • Lambda Functions
  • Map, Filter
  • Modules and Packages
Advanced Python
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
  • Classes and Objects
  • Attributes and Methods
  • Inheritance and Polymorphism
  • Encapsulation and Abstraction
File Handling
  • Reading, Writing Files, Append and Delete
  • Working with CSV and JSON Files
Error Handling
  • Exceptions and Errors
  • Try-Except Blocks
  • Finally Block
  • Threading Module
  • Thread Creation
  • Starting and Joining Threads
  • Thread Synchronization
  • Daemon Threads
Introduction to Web Design
HTML | Hyper Text Markup Language
  • Introduction To Web Development. Overview Of Html, CSS, JavaScript. Setting Up Development Environment.
  • Introduction To Html: Structure, Tags, Elements. Creating Basic Html Documents. Part-1
  • Introduction To Html: Structure, Tags, Elements. Creating Basic Html Documents. Part-2
  • Html Forms And Input Elements. Understanding Form Elements Such As Input, Text area, Select, Etc. Part-1
  • Html Forms And Input Elements. Understanding Form Elements Such As Input, Text area, Select, Etc. Part-2
CSS | Cascading Style And Sheet
  • Introduction To Css: Syntax, Selectors. Basic Styling Concepts Including Colors, Fonts, And Backgrounds. Part-1
  • Introduction To Css: Syntax, Selectors. Basic Styling Concepts Including Colors, Fonts, And Backgrounds. Part-2
  • Css Box Model. Understanding Padding, Margin, Border. Part-1
  • Css Box Model. Understanding Padding, Margin, Border. Part-2
  • Css Layouts. Introduction To Positioning, Float, And Display Properties.
Django Framework
Introduction to Django
  • Overview of Django framework
  • Installing Django
  • Setting up a Django project
Django Views
  • Creating Views
  • Function-Based Views (FBVs) vs. Class-Based Views (CBVs)
  • URL Mapping
  • Django messages
  • Django Template Language (DTL)
  • Template Inheritance
  • Jinja Tags
  • Context Data
Django Models
  • Creating Models
  • Fields and Field Options
  • Migrations and Migrate
  • Using Foreign key
  • Custom User Model
  • HTML Forms
  • Django Forms
  • Form Validation
Django Admin
  • Overview of Django Admin interface
  • Customizing Django Admin
Django ORM
  • Query Sets
  • Filtering and Get, All Querying Data
  • Aggregation and Annotations
Authentication and Authorization
  • User Authentication
  • Permissions and User Roles
RESTful APIs with Django REST Framework
  • Introduction to REST APIs
  • Setting up Django REST Framework
  • Creating RESTful endpoints
  • API Using and Integration
  • Preparing Django application for deployment
  • Deploying Django application on platforms PythonAnywhere

Python Web Development Certification Course Description

About the Python Web Development Programming Certification Course

Code mantra' comprehensive Python Web Development certification course designed to enhance your programming expertise. Gain mastery in these foundational languages through hands-on projects, expert-led instruction, and real-world applications. Prepare for success in software development, system programming, and beyond with our structured curriculum and personalized support. Elevate your career prospects and join a thriving community of skilled professionals. Enroll now and take your programming skills to the next level!

Why learn Python Web Development Course?

Learning Python web development offers several compelling reasons:

1. Versatility: Python is a highly versatile language used extensively in web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and more. It's beginner-friendly and has a large community of developers.

2. Django and Flask: Python has robust web frameworks like Django and Flask that simplify web development by providing pre-built modules and handling much of the backend work.

3. Rapid Development: Python's clear syntax and extensive libraries allow for rapid development of web applications, reducing development time and costs.

4. Large Ecosystem: Python has a vast ecosystem of libraries and tools that make web development efficient and scalable, from database connectors to front-end frameworks.

5. Career Opportunities: Python is one of the most popular languages in the industry, and mastering web development with Python opens doors to various job opportunities in software development.

6. Community Support: Python has a large and active community. Finding solutions, getting help, and staying updated with the latest trends in web development is easier with Python.

7. Employer Demand: Many companies use Python for web development due to its readability, scalability, and robustness. Learning Python web development increases your employability.

In summary, learning Python for web development equips you with a powerful skill set that is in high demand, versatile, and backed by a supportive community and a wealth of resources.

Who should go for this Python Web Development Certification Course?

The Python Full Web Development Certification Course is suitable for:

1. Beginners in Programming: Individuals new to programming can benefit from this course as it covers both frontend (HTML/CSS) and backend (Python Django) development, providing a comprehensive introduction to full-stack web development.

2. Python Enthusiasts: Those already familiar with Python who want to expand their skills into web development can leverage this course to learn how to build dynamic web applications using Django.

3. Web Developers: Frontend developers looking to enhance their skills by learning backend development can transition into full-stack development with Python and Django.

4. Career Changers: Professionals seeking a career change into web development can use this course to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to start a career in full-stack development.

5. Entrepreneurs and Business Owners: Individuals looking to create their own web applications or websites can benefit from learning full-stack development to understand the technical aspects involved in building and deploying web applications.

6. Computer Science Students: Students studying computer science or related fields can supplement their education with practical skills in web development using Python, which is widely used in industry.

7. Freelancers: Freelancers interested in expanding their service offerings to include full-stack web development can use this course to gain expertise in Python and Django.

Overall, anyone interested in becoming proficient in building modern web applications using Python and Django should consider enrolling in this course, regardless of their background or current skill level in programming.

What are the objectives of our Python Web Development Certification Training Course?

The objectives of a Python Web Development Certification Training Course typically include:

1. Understanding Python Basics: Learn the fundamentals of Python programming language, including variables, data types, control structures, functions, and object-oriented programming concepts.

2. Exploring Web Development Fundamentals: Gain a solid understanding of how web applications work, including client-server architecture, HTTP protocol, and web development technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

3. Introduction to Django: Learn one of the popular Python web frameworks (Django or Flask) to build backend applications. Understand the framework's architecture, routing, views, models, templates, and forms.

4. Building Dynamic Web Applications: Learn to create dynamic web applications using Python and a web framework. Implement features like user authentication, database interactions (CRUD operations), and handling user input.

5. Frontend Development: Understand frontend technologies such as HTML, CSS to create interactive user interfaces for web applications.

6. Database Integration: Learn how to integrate databases (such as SQLite, MySQL, or PostgreSQL) with Python web applications using an ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) library provided by the web framework.

7. Deployment and Hosting: Explore the process of deploying Python web applications to web servers like Apache or using platforms like Heroku or AWS (Amazon Web Services).

8. Project Work and Portfolio Development: Gain hands-on experience by working on real-world projects throughout the course. Build a portfolio of web applications to showcase your skills to potential employers or clients.

The overall objective of a Python Web Development Certification Training Course is to equip participants with the skills and knowledge required to develop modern web applications using Python and related technologies, preparing them for careers in web development or further advanced studies in the field.

What are the prerequisites for this Python Web Development Certification Course?

The prerequisites for a Python Web Development certification course may vary depending on the specific program and its level (beginner, intermediate, advanced). It's important to have a foundational understanding of programming concepts and principles. Knowledge of C/C++ & HTML & CSS is particularly essential.


CODEMANTRA Certified thousands of students, now thriving in the IT industry.

Parul Rathore
BTIRT Sagar ( CS ) - 2023 Batch

MERN stack web development at Code Mantra institute is nowhere comparable. We enjoyed a lot and gained project-based knowledge. They also provide an app where we can study from recorded videos, Thanks to team Code mantra.🤗💫
Rishika Gangrade
Degree Collage Harda ( ) - 2022 Batch

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Ayushri Shrivastava
Noble Group Of Institute Bangalore ( CS ) - 2023 Batch

Best faculty for C | C++ with the course we also get video library of 300+ programs and these videos are really very helpful during practice session.
Ashwani Sharma
IBVM Institute ( IT ) - 2022 Batch

The classes are flexible for students, many new concepts & topics are taught really well, from my point of view if you actually wanna learn something, it's worth it.
Prisheeta Jain
DAVV Indore ( CS ) - 2023 Batch

It's a great institute to learn computer languages. Extra doubt sessions are taken by the faculties. Faculties are extremely cooperative, polite n understanding.
National Institute Of Technology Kurukshetra ( CS ) - 2021 Batch

The way of teaching is very impressive here. We are the students of NIT Kurukshetra, learning data structures from this institute. Also all of our previous concepts has been revised with the help of examples.
Pawan Yadav
Prestige Institute of Engineering Management and Research Indore ( CS ) - 2023 Batch

Best Experience learning C | C++ course ,faculty helped me a lot thank you code mantra.

Akshat shravastav
Medicaps University Indore( CS ) - 2023 Batch

I had a tremendously positive experience at Code Mantra . The faculty members are incredibly helpful and dedicated to their students' success. From day one, I felt warmly welcomed and supported by the entire teaching staff.
online mode is also very beneficial and effective.

Abhishek Dayal
IPS Indore ( CS ) - 2023 Batch

Hello sir 👋 My name is Abhishek Dayal as you know And my college is IPS academy Indore Your teaching experience is best. You are explain each of topic in explain and mainly in practically that's why we are easily understand and your both mode are perfect but in my opinion offline mode is good but online is more excellent..!!

Rahid Agwan
RNT College Ujjain ( EC ) - 2022 Batch

The teaching method used in the class is simple and easy to understand. It makes studying easy and fun. I can ask doubts whenever and wherever I need them. The fees are affordable. The application is able to engage youngsters through its exciting teaching ways.
Kamakshi Rathod
Shri Vaishnav Vidhyapeeth VishwavidyalayaI Indore ( CS ) - 2023 Batch

This coaching is good 👍 From this coaching my skills is improving 😁 so I am happy to take this decision for learning C | C++ from Abhishek sir
Jay shree mahakal
IPS Indore ( CS ) - 2023 Batch

Code Mantra is the only one which gives 3 days demo classes without any registration fee... They build concept very deeply... They prefer practical knowledge then theoretical....
Rajdeep Chitawle
Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology and Science ( IT ) - 2021 Batch

It's a good Coding Institution.... where the teachers have the good communication skills to deliver their knowledge to the students.... also they provide both online and offline medium as per the feasibility of the students.. and if any student missed the lecture, they also provide recorded lecture. Code mantra also take online practical classes and tests for betterment of the students.
Divyansh Nema
Medicaps University ( CS ) - 2021 Batch

Sir has a very good experience in all programing languages and DSA/algorithm too and their way of teaching expresses it quite well.. They make you learn concepts thoroughly and solving questions of assignment sheet gives a very good command in problem solving. Overall a very skilled teacher who has a friendly attitude which will make you open for doubts and questions so interaction is very good. Overall you will get more than your expectations so its worth it.
Nadeem Khan
Medicaps University( CS ) - 2021 Batch

Code mantra is the best coaching place and the way of Abhishek's sir teaching is best. and there is lots of facilities like we can clear our doubts at a particular day and code mantra is really sincere for our future because there covered a lots of technical questions which is help us to our future. So overall code mantra is best.

Shivani Ajnar

Code mantra is best institute to learn programing language . Faculty explains each and every concepts in details .The way of teaching is very impressive . Any one can build their basic in coding very easily from this institute

Vibhas Khaddar
IPS Indore ( CS ) - 2023 Batch

Excellent institute for learning coding languages.... The best thing is that with offline classes they provide free of cost online classes also...
DAVV Indore ( CS ) - 2020 Batch

Code Mantra is the best center for learning and polishing your skills in languages like C,C++,JAVA, PYTHON. The faculty is experienced and Abhishek sir will never let your never energy level go down as his teaching is so boosting and he really has a great teaching way. Classroom environment is good and fun.

Check out the services

Student Driven Learning

Student-driven learning empowers learners to take control of their education, fostering independence and autonomy in their academic journey.

500+ Questionnaire

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) offer options to test knowledge efficiently, widely used in exams, quizzes, and assessments for objective evaluation

250+ Assignments

A programming assignment tasks students with implementing algorithms or solutions using code, fostering practical skills and problem-solving abilities


Python community: where Enthusiasts, professionals, and learners sharing knowledge, resources, and expertise in these foundational programming languages.


Python Django certification validates proficiency in programming languages essential for software development, providing legal recognition and credibility.

Life Time Access

A lifetime course offers lifelong access to educational content, allowing learners to study at their own pace indefinitely.

Python Web Development Certification Course FAQ

How soon after Signing up would I get access to the Learning Content?

Post-enrolment, the LMS access will be instantly provided to you and will be available for a lifetime. You will be able to access the complete set of previous class recordings, PPTs, PDFs, assignments.

Is the course material accessible to the students even after the course training is over?

Yes, access to the course material will be available for a lifetime once you have enrolled in the course.

What is the best way to learn Python Web Development ?

Learning Python web development effectively involves a structured approach that combines theoretical knowledge with hands-on practice. Here are steps to help you learn Python web development efficiently:

1. Master Python Basics: Start by thoroughly understanding core Python concepts like variables, data types, control structures, functions, and object-oriented programming (OOP). Use interactive platforms like Codecademy, LeetCode, or Python's official documentation to practice.

2. Learn HTML, CSS: Familiarize yourself with frontend technologies as they are essential for building user interfaces. Use online resources like MDN Web Docs or freeCodeCamp to grasp HTML for content, CSS for styling, and JavaScript for interactivity.

3. Choose a Python Web Framework: Select a web framework such as Django or Flask based on your project needs and preferences. Django is feature-rich and suitable for larger applications, while Flask is lightweight and flexible, ideal for smaller projects. Follow official documentation and tutorials to get started.

4. Understand MVC Architecture: Learn about the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern commonly used in web development. Understand how it applies to your chosen framework to structure your applications efficiently.

5. Database Fundamentals: Gain knowledge of databases and how to interact with them using Python. Learn SQL for database querying and understand ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) concepts provided by your chosen framework.

6. Build Projects: Apply your knowledge by building real-world projects. Start with simple applications like a personal blog or a to-do list, then progress to more complex projects incorporating user authentication, database interactions, and third-party integrations.

7. Explore Advanced Topics: Dive deeper into advanced topics like RESTful APIs, authentication and authorization, testing, deployment, and optimization. Refer to official documentation, online courses, and books to expand your skills.

8. Practice Regularly: Consistent practice is key to mastering Python web development. Code regularly, participate in coding challenges, contribute to open-source projects, and collaborate with other developers to gain practical experience.

By following these steps and maintaining a hands-on approach, you can effectively learn Python web development and build a strong foundation for a career in web development or related fields.

What are the skills needed to master Python Web Development?

Mastering Python Web Development involves a comprehensive set of skills covering both frontend and backend development along with other crucial areas like databases, version control, and deployment. Here's a breakdown of the key skills needed:

1. Python Proficiency: Strong understanding of Python programming language including data structures, algorithms, object-oriented programming (OOP), and functional programming concepts.

2. Web Frameworks: Mastery in a Python web framework like Django or Flask. Django is preferred for full-stack development due to its batteries-included approach and robustness.

3. Frontend Technologies: Proficiency in frontend technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and related frameworks/libraries (e.g., React, Vue.js) to create interactive user interfaces.

4. Database Management: Knowledge of relational databases (e.g., PostgreSQL, MySQL) and NoSQL databases (e.g., MongoDB) along with ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) libraries like SQLAlchemy.

5. RESTful APIs: Understanding of building and consuming RESTful APIs using Python and frameworks like Django REST Framework or Flask-RESTful.

6. Version Control: Proficiency in version control systems like Git for managing codebase, collaboration, and deployment workflows.

7. Testing and Debugging: Familiarity with testing frameworks (e.g., unittest, pytest) for writing automated tests and debugging tools for identifying and fixing issues.

8. Deployment : Knowledge of deploying web applications using platforms like Docker for containerization, orchestration tools like Kubernetes, and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines.

9. Security Best Practices: Awareness of web security principles and best practices including authentication, authorization, data validation, and protection against common security threats (e.g., SQL injection, cross-site scripting).

10. Software Design Patterns: Understanding of software design patterns (e.g., MVC, Singleton, Factory) to write scalable, maintainable, and reusable code.

To master Python Full Stack Programming, it's important to not only grasp these technical skills but also understand how to integrate them to build robust, scalable, and secure web applications from end to end. Constant learning, practice, and staying updated with the latest trends and technologies are key to excelling in this field.

What are the career progression and opportunities after learning Python Web Development?

Learning Python web development opens up diverse career opportunities and a clear progression path in the technology industry. Here are some career paths and opportunities you can explore after acquiring skills in Python web development:

1. Web Developer:

- Entry-Level: Junior Web Developer

- Responsibilities: Building and maintaining websites and web applications using Python and related technologies. Working on frontend

(HTML/CSS/JavaScript) and backend (Python frameworks like Django or Flask) development.

2. Full-Stack Developer:

- Mid-Level to Senior-Level Position

- Responsibilities: Handling both frontend and backend development, including database management, server-side logic, user interface

design, and deployment. Proficient in multiple technologies and frameworks.

3. Python Developer:

- Specializing in Python-based development across various domains.

- Responsibilities: Developing Python-based applications beyond web development, such as data analysis, machine learning, automation

scripts, and system tools.

4. Backend Developer:

- Focus on server-side development.

- Responsibilities: Designing and implementing server-side logic, database management, and API development using Python frameworks

like Django or Flask.

Career progression typically involves moving from junior to senior roles, gaining expertise in specific domains or technologies, and taking on leadership or specialized roles. Continuous learning, staying updated with industry trends, and building a strong portfolio of projects are essential for advancing your career in Python web development.

Why take an online Python Web Development Certification course? How is it better than an offline course?
  1. Convenience: Online learning offers flexibility in scheduling, allowing students to learn at their own pace and from anywhere with internet access.
  2. Accessibility: It eliminates geographical barriers, enabling access to a diverse range of courses and resources.
  3. Cost-effective: Online courses often have lower tuition fees and eliminate expenses related to commuting and physical materials.
  4. Customization: Learners can choose courses tailored to their interests and learning styles, maximizing engagement and comprehension.
  5. Interactive resources: Online platforms offer multimedia tools, interactive quizzes, and discussion forums, enhancing learning experiences.
  6. Updated content: Online materials can be quickly updated to reflect the latest information and developments in various fields.
  7. 24x7 Support: Round-the-clock technical assistance available for all your needs.
What is the average salary for Python Web Development?

Python Web Developers in the US market command salaries ranging from $80,000 to $120,000 annually, varying based on experience, location, and company size. Entry Level Salary My Start from $60,000 to $80,000.