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Abhishek Verma

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Abhishek Verma

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Abhishek Verma

Mastering in JAVA - Java Backend Essentials

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"Mastering in JAVA - Java Backend Essentials" is a comprehensive web development course designed by Codemantra. Learn essential backend Java technologies including Servlets and JSP. Cover core concepts like HTTP, session management, database connectivity, and MVC architecture. Build dynamic web applications and gain skills in server-side programming, database interactions, and deploying Java web applications. Ideal for aspiring Java developers looking to master backend development for web applications.

3k+ Satisfied Learners
Abhishek Sir
JAVA Expert
Aaveg Gupta Sir
Front End Dev Expert
Why should you take JAVA Programming Certification Course ?

As of my last update in January 2022, the TIOBE Index consistently ranked Java among the top programming languages, often within the top 3. However, for the most accurate and up-to-date information on Java's position in the TIOBE Index

Major IT companies like Oracle, IBM, and SAP, TCS, Infosys utilize Java due to its platform independence, Security, robustness, scalability, and extensive ecosystem for enterprise software development.

The estimated salary of a Java developer in the US market ranges from $70,000 to $130,000 annually, depending on factors like experience, location, industry and skills. Senior developers or those with specialized expertise may earn even higher salaries.

Front End Development



Offline | Online-

Abhishek Verma

C | C++ From




Offline | Online-

Abhishek Verma

Full Stack Development



Offline | Online-

Abhishek Verma

Live Class

3 Days Free Trails

Rs 8999

Pre-Recorded Lectures

20 Days Free Trails Videos

Rs 2999

Learn Programming & Frameworks Live Online from top industry professionals

Live Class

Live Interactive session { Online + Offline }

We Provide Live Training in Hybrid Mode { Online | Offline }. in Which Students have Complete Flexibility, They Can Attend classes in there own Way. as Well we Also Provide Recording of Each Lecture, so Students can Revise the Topics which we Cover in the Class Room.

3 Days Free Trail Session

120 Live Interactive lectures

200+ hours of content

150+ hands-on-keyboard exercises

15+ quiz exams

Chat GPT 4 level AI assistance

10000 8999


Self Placed Learning { Pre-Recorded Courses }

Codemantra Also Provide Pre-recorded Study Material With Assignment, which have Class Room Recording as well as Studio Recorded Study Material with Huge Assignment Library. through which Student can Implement All Concept Practically.

20+ Free Trail Lectures

180 Live Interactive lectures

300+ hours of content

250+ hands-on-keyboard exercises

15+ quiz exams

Chat GPT 4 level AI assistance

9000 4500


Live Hybrid Mode training

Interactions with an Live Expert, get your doubts cleared in Real Time.

Classroom Experience

We Use Digital Writing Pad Though which You will get Experience Like Offline Class from anywhere.

Personal Learning Manager

Interactions with an Live Expert, get your doubts cleared in Real Time.

Get Assured Certification

Interactions with an Live Expert, get your doubts cleared in Real Time.

Mastering in JAVA Certification Course Curriculum
Core JAVA | JSE { JAVA Standard Edition}
Language Fundamentals
  • Java- What Where And Why?
  • History And Features Of Java
  • Internals Of Java Program
  • Difference Between JDK, JRE And JVM
  • Variable And Data Type
  • Unicode System/ Naming Convention
  • Environment Setup
  • Compilation And Execution Of Program
  • For-each Loop
  • Var-arg Function
  • Labeled Break / Continue
  • Command Line Argument
  • User Inputs In Java { Scanner Class }
  • Array In Java
Object Oriented Programming
  • Paradigms of Oops
  • Advantages of Oops
  • Object and Class
  • Representation of an Object in Memory
  • Instances and Class Members
  • Encapsulation, Data Hiding and Binding
  • Method Overloading
  • Static Variable, Method, and Block
  • This Keyword
  • Inheritance (Is-a)
  • Aggregation and Composition (Has-A)
  • Method Overloading
  • Covariant Return Type
  • Super Keyword/Final Keyword
  • Runtime Polymorphism
  • Abstract Class and Interface
  • Package and Access Modifiers
  • Object Classes in Java
String Handling
  • String: What And Why?
  • Immutable String
  • String Comparison / String Concatenation
  • Method Of String Class
  • String Buffer Class / String Tokenizer Class
Exception handling
  • Exception Handling: What And Why?
  • Checked & Unchecked Exception
  • Exception Class Hierarchy
  • Try And Catch Block
  • Throws
  • Keyword
  • Finally Block / Throw Keyword
  • Multithreading: What And Why?
  • Life Cycle Of Thread/ Creating Thread
  • Thread Scheduler
  • Joining A Thread / Thread Priority
  • Garbage Collection / Runnable Class
  • Synchronization: What And Why?
  • Synchronized Method
JAVA I/O Package
  • File Class
  • Byte Stream Vs Char Stream
  • File Output Stream & File Input Stream
  • Buffered Output And Input Stream
  • File Writer And File Reader
  • Data Input Stream And Data Output Stream
  • Stream Tokenizer Class
Collection Framework
  • What Is Generics
  • Generics Class And Method
  • What Is Collection Framework
  • Array list Class /linked list Class
  • Hash set / Linked hash set / Tree set Class
  • Map Interface / Has map / Hast able Class
Java Annotations
  • What Is Annotation
  • Java Annotation Like
  • @override
  • @suppresswarings
  • @deprecated
  • @inherited
  • @documented
  • Java Custom Annotations
  • Types Of Annotations
Other New Features
  • Lambda Function
  • Wrapper Classes
  • Private Method In Interface
  • Jshell
  • Local-variable Type Inference Var-keyword
  • Run Source Files
  • Switch Expression { Return Value }
Basic Front End Design
  • Introduction
  • Basic Structure Of An Html Document
  • Creating An Html Document
  • Html Tags With Attributes
  • Html5 Semantic Tag
  • Layout Based On Html5
  • Project
  • Introduction
  • Types Of Css
  • Css Selectors
  • Css Properties
  • Layout Of Webpage
  • Simple Registration Login Layout
  • Responsive Css
  • Templates
  • Project
  • Dbms - What, Where And Why
  • What Is File System And Disadvantages Of It
  • Advantage Of Dbms
  • Controlling Redundancy
  • Introduction Of Structured
  • Query Language
  • Sql Data Definition And Data Types
  • Specifying Constraints In
  • Attribute / Key Refferntial Integrity
  • Check / Derived Constraints
  • Intro Of Ddl, Dml Statements
  • Create /update /delet eand Drop
  • Select Statement With Where
  • From Clause
  • Natural / Cross / Inner / Outerj Oin
  • Left Quarted / Right Outer / Full Outer Join
Java Backend | Servlet & JSP
  • JDBC Drivers
  • Steps To Connect To The Database
  • Connectivity With MySQL
  • Driver Manager / Connection Interface
  • Servlet : What And Why?
  • Servlet : API / Servlet Interface
  • Generics Servlet / Http servlet
  • Working With Apache Tomcat Server
  • Servlet In Eclipse Servlet Request
  • Servlet Request Methods
  • Registration Example With Db
  • Request Dispatcher / Send redirect
  • Servlet config Methods
JSP | Java Server Pages
  • Basic Of JSP
  • Life Cycle of JSP
  • JSP in Eclipse and Others IDE's
  • Scripting Elements / Scrip Tags
  • Expression Tags / Declaration Tags
Implicit Objects
  • Output / Request / Response
  • Config / Application / Session
  • Page context / Page Exception
Directive Elements
  • Page / Include / Tag lib Directive
  • Action Elements
  • JSP: forward
  • JSP: include
  • JSP: set Property & JSP Get Property
Session Tracking / Filters
  • Session
  • Cookies
  • Hidden From Field
  • URL Rewriting
  • Http Session
  • Filter /authentication Filter
  • Filter Config
Project Development

JAVA Certification Course Description

About the JAVA Programming Certification Course

The JAVA Programming Certification Course equips learners with essential skills and knowledge to develop robust Java applications. Covering core concepts such as object-oriented programming, data structures, and algorithms, the course delves into advanced topics like multithreading, GUI development, and database connectivity. Participants gain hands-on experience through practical exercises and projects, preparing them for roles as Java developers in various industries. With industry-recognized certification upon completion, this course enhances career prospects and demonstrates proficiency in Java programming.

Why learn JAVA Programming?

Learning Java programming offers a range of compelling reasons why it's a valuable skill to acquire:

1. Versatility: Java is versatile and widely used in various domains including web development, mobile app development (Android), enterprise systems, scientific applications, and more.

2. Popularity: Java consistently ranks among the top programming languages in popularity indices, ensuring a wealth of resources, communities, and job opportunities.

3. Platform Independence: Java's "write once, run anywhere" philosophy allows Java programs to run on any platform that supports Java without recompilation, thanks to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

4. Strong Ecosystem: Java has a robust ecosystem with powerful frameworks and libraries (e.g., Spring, Hibernate) that facilitate rapid development and scalability.

5. Career Opportunities: Java developers are in high demand across industries due to the widespread use of Java in enterprise applications.

6. Object-Oriented Design: Java's object-oriented nature promotes modular, reusable, and maintainable code, fostering good programming practices.

7. Community Support: Java boasts a large and active developer community, offering ample resources, tutorials, and forums for learning and troubleshooting.

8. Backbone of Android Development: Java is the primary language used for Android app development, making it essential for mobile application developers.

9. Security: Java's built-in security features, such as its sandbox model and robust authentication mechanisms, make it a preferred choice for building secure applications.

10. Scalability: Java's architecture supports scalability, making it suitable for building applications that can handle large-scale operations and high traffic.

In summary, learning Java opens doors to a wide range of career opportunities and equips you with skills that are in demand across various industries, making it a smart investment for any aspiring programmer or developer.

Who should go for this JAVA Certification Course?

The JAVA Certification Course is ideal for individuals who want to enhance their programming skills and pursue a career in Java development. Specifically, this course is suitable for:

1. Beginners in Programming: Individuals new to programming who want to start with a strong and versatile language like Java.

2. Students: Computer science students looking to deepen their understanding of Java and strengthen their programming portfolio.

3. Software Developers: Developers proficient in other languages seeking to expand their skill set to include Java for backend development, enterprise applications, or Android development.

4. Web Developers: Those interested in backend web development using Java Servlets and JSP (JavaServer Pages).

5. Aspiring Android Developers: Individuals aiming to build Android applications using Java, as it's the primary language for Android app development.

6. Career Changers: Professionals switching careers to software development and aiming to enter the industry with Java proficiency.

7. Java Enthusiasts: Anyone passionate about Java programming and eager to become proficient in building robust and scalable applications using Java technologies.

8. IT Professionals: Those working in IT roles (e.g., system administrators, network engineers) who want to expand their programming skills with a focus on Java.

9. Project Managers: Managers overseeing software development projects who want a deeper understanding of Java to better collaborate with development teams.

10. Entrepreneurs: Individuals planning to start their own tech ventures and wanting to acquire fundamental programming skills for developing software products.

In summary, this Java certification course caters to a diverse audience ranging from beginners to experienced professionals looking to expand their skills in Java programming for various applications and career paths.

What are the objectives of our JAVA Certification Training Course?

The objectives of our JAVA Certification Training Course are:

  1. Mastering Java Fundamentals: Understand Java syntax, data types, and control structures comprehensively.
  2. Proficiency in Object-Oriented Programming: Learn and apply OOP concepts like inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation in Java programming.
  3. Advanced Java Concepts: Explore advanced topics such as multithreading, GUI development, and database connectivity.
  4. Hands-On Practice: Gain practical experience through coding exercises, projects, and real-world applications.
  5. Industry-Relevant Skills: Acquire skills aligned with industry standards and best practices to excel in Java development roles.
  6. Preparation for Certification: Prepare for industry-recognized Java certification exams to validate your expertise.
  7. Career Advancement: Enhance your career prospects as a Java developer in various sectors including software, web development, and enterprise applications.
What are the prerequisites for this JAVA Certification Course?

Understanding C/C++ before learning Java offers several advantages:

  1. Foundation in Programming Concepts: C/C++ provide a solid foundation in programming fundamentals like variables, control structures, and functions, which are also present in Java.
  2. Memory Management: C/C++ require manual memory management, teaching crucial concepts like pointers and memory allocation. While Java has automatic memory management, understanding memory management in C/C++ can help in understanding Java's garbage collection mechanism.
  3. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): Both C++ and Java are object-oriented languages. Learning C++ helps grasp OOP principles like classes, objects, inheritance, and polymorphism, which are directly transferable to Java.
  4. Understanding Low-Level Operations: C/C++ offer insights into low-level operations, system-level programming, and hardware interactions, which can be beneficial for understanding Java's abstractions and for performance optimization.
  5. Transitioning to Java: Transitioning from C/C++ to Java becomes smoother as many syntax elements and programming paradigms are similar. Developers familiar with C/C++ often find it easier to adapt to Java's syntax and conventions.


CODEMANTRA Certified thousands of students, now thriving in the IT industry.

Parul Rathore
BTIRT Sagar ( CS ) - 2023 Batch

MERN stack web development at Code Mantra institute is nowhere comparable. We enjoyed a lot and gained project-based knowledge. They also provide an app where we can study from recorded videos, Thanks to team Code mantra.🤗💫
Rishika Gangrade
Degree Collage Harda ( ) - 2022 Batch

Many of my friends suggested Code Mantra institute for C/C++ Course, here they focused on Fundamental concepts to build logic. Their training is top notch in the industry I haven't seen this kind of explanation ever in life. Even complicated topics also they thought very neatly and clearly.
Ayushri Shrivastava
Noble Group Of Institute Bangalore ( CS ) - 2023 Batch

Best faculty for C | C++ with the course we also get video library of 300+ programs and these videos are really very helpful during practice session.
Ashwani Sharma
IBVM Institute ( IT ) - 2022 Batch

The classes are flexible for students, many new concepts & topics are taught really well, from my point of view if you actually wanna learn something, it's worth it.
Prisheeta Jain
DAVV Indore ( CS ) - 2023 Batch

It's a great institute to learn computer languages. Extra doubt sessions are taken by the faculties. Faculties are extremely cooperative, polite n understanding.
National Institute Of Technology Kurukshetra ( CS ) - 2021 Batch

The way of teaching is very impressive here. We are the students of NIT Kurukshetra, learning data structures from this institute. Also all of our previous concepts has been revised with the help of examples.
Pawan Yadav
Prestige Institute of Engineering Management and Research Indore ( CS ) - 2023 Batch

Best Experience learning C | C++ course ,faculty helped me a lot thank you code mantra.

Akshat shravastav
Medicaps University Indore( CS ) - 2023 Batch

I had a tremendously positive experience at Code Mantra . The faculty members are incredibly helpful and dedicated to their students' success. From day one, I felt warmly welcomed and supported by the entire teaching staff.
online mode is also very beneficial and effective.

Abhishek Dayal
IPS Indore ( CS ) - 2023 Batch

Hello sir 👋 My name is Abhishek Dayal as you know And my college is IPS academy Indore Your teaching experience is best. You are explain each of topic in explain and mainly in practically that's why we are easily understand and your both mode are perfect but in my opinion offline mode is good but online is more excellent..!!

Rahid Agwan
RNT College Ujjain ( EC ) - 2022 Batch

The teaching method used in the class is simple and easy to understand. It makes studying easy and fun. I can ask doubts whenever and wherever I need them. The fees are affordable. The application is able to engage youngsters through its exciting teaching ways.
Kamakshi Rathod
Shri Vaishnav Vidhyapeeth VishwavidyalayaI Indore ( CS ) - 2023 Batch

This coaching is good 👍 From this coaching my skills is improving 😁 so I am happy to take this decision for learning C | C++ from Abhishek sir
Jay shree mahakal
IPS Indore ( CS ) - 2023 Batch

Code Mantra is the only one which gives 3 days demo classes without any registration fee... They build concept very deeply... They prefer practical knowledge then theoretical....
Rajdeep Chitawle
Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology and Science ( IT ) - 2021 Batch

It's a good Coding Institution.... where the teachers have the good communication skills to deliver their knowledge to the students.... also they provide both online and offline medium as per the feasibility of the students.. and if any student missed the lecture, they also provide recorded lecture. Code mantra also take online practical classes and tests for betterment of the students.
Divyansh Nema
Medicaps University ( CS ) - 2021 Batch

Sir has a very good experience in all programing languages and DSA/algorithm too and their way of teaching expresses it quite well.. They make you learn concepts thoroughly and solving questions of assignment sheet gives a very good command in problem solving. Overall a very skilled teacher who has a friendly attitude which will make you open for doubts and questions so interaction is very good. Overall you will get more than your expectations so its worth it.
Nadeem Khan
Medicaps University( CS ) - 2021 Batch

Code mantra is the best coaching place and the way of Abhishek's sir teaching is best. and there is lots of facilities like we can clear our doubts at a particular day and code mantra is really sincere for our future because there covered a lots of technical questions which is help us to our future. So overall code mantra is best.

Shivani Ajnar

Code mantra is best institute to learn programing language . Faculty explains each and every concepts in details .The way of teaching is very impressive . Any one can build their basic in coding very easily from this institute

Vibhas Khaddar
IPS Indore ( CS ) - 2023 Batch

Excellent institute for learning coding languages.... The best thing is that with offline classes they provide free of cost online classes also...
DAVV Indore ( CS ) - 2020 Batch

Code Mantra is the best center for learning and polishing your skills in languages like C,C++,JAVA, PYTHON. The faculty is experienced and Abhishek sir will never let your never energy level go down as his teaching is so boosting and he really has a great teaching way. Classroom environment is good and fun.

Check out the services

Student Driven Learning

Student-driven learning empowers learners to take control of their education, fostering independence and autonomy in their academic journey.

500+ Questionnaire

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) offer options to test knowledge efficiently, widely used in exams, quizzes, and assessments for objective evaluation

150+ Assignments

A programming assignment tasks students with implementing algorithms or solutions using code, fostering practical skills and problem-solving abilities


JAVA community: where Enthusiasts, professionals, and learners sharing knowledge, resources, and expertise in these foundational programming languages.


JAVA Certification validates proficiency in programming languages essential for software development, providing legal recognition and credibility.

Life Time Access

A lifetime course offers lifelong access to educational content, allowing learners to study at their own pace indefinitely.

JAVA Certification Course FAQ

How soon after Signing up would I get access to the Learning Content?

Post-enrolment, the LMS access will be instantly provided to you and will be available for a lifetime. You will be able to access the complete set of previous class recordings, PPTs, PDFs, assignments.

Is the course material accessible to the students even after the course training is over?

Yes, access to the course material will be available for a lifetime once you have enrolled in the course.

What are the skills needed to master JAVA Programming?

Mastering Java programming requires proficiency in several key skills:

  1. Core Java Concepts: Understand Java syntax, data types, control structures, and object-oriented programming principles.
  2. Data Structures and Algorithms: Master fundamental data structures (arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues) and algorithms for efficient problem-solving.
  3. Java Libraries and Frameworks: Familiarize yourself with Java Standard Library and popular frameworks like Spring for building robust applications.
  4. Database Connectivity: Learn JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) for interacting with databases and handling data persistence in Java applications.
  5. Multithreading and Concurrency: Understand concepts related to multithreading, synchronization, and concurrency to develop scalable and efficient Java applications.
  6. GUI Development: Gain expertise in JavaFX or Swing for creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs) in desktop applications.
  7. Development: Learn Java EE (Enterprise Edition) or Spring Boot for web development, including server-side programming, RESTful APIs, and web services.
  8. Testing and Debugging: Acquire skills in unit testing frameworks like JUnit and debugging tools to ensure the reliability and quality of Java code.
  9. Version Control: Familiarize yourself with version control systems like Git for managing code changes and collaborating with other developers effectively.
  10. Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking: Develop strong problem-solving skills and a logical mindset to tackle complex programming challenges efficiently.

Mastering these skills through practice, hands-on projects, and continuous learning will empower you to become proficient in Java programming and excel in various software development roles.

What are the career progression and opportunities after learning JAVA Programming?

After learning Java programming, various opportunities await in the tech industry:

  1. Software Developer: Java is widely used in software development, offering opportunities to work on diverse projects ranging from enterprise applications to mobile apps and web development.
  2. Web Developer: Java EE or Spring Boot expertise opens doors to web development roles, including backend development, server-side programming, and building scalable web applications.
  3. Android Developer: Java is the primary programming language for Android app development, allowing you to create mobile applications for a vast user base.
  4. Enterprise Application Developer: Java's robustness and scalability make it a preferred choice for developing enterprise-level applications, offering opportunities in large corporations and IT consulting firms.
  5. Full-Stack Developer: Mastering Java alongside frontend technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript enables you to pursue full-stack development roles, where you can work on both client and server-side components of applications.
  6. Big Data Engineer: Java is used in various Big Data technologies like Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark, providing opportunities to work on large-scale data processing and analytics projects.
  7. Cloud Computing: Java is widely used in cloud computing platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, offering opportunities in cloud-native application development and deployment.
  8. IoT Developer: Java's platform independence and versatility make it suitable for developing applications for Internet of Things (IoT) devices, creating opportunities in the growing IoT industry.
  9. Cybersecurity Specialist: Java skills are valuable in cybersecurity roles, where you can work on developing secure applications, implementing encryption algorithms, and ensuring data protection.
  10. Freelancing and Entrepreneurship: With Java expertise, you can work as a freelance developer, offering your services to clients worldwide, or start your tech startup by building innovative software solutions.

These opportunities highlight the versatility and demand for Java programming skills across various domains, making it a rewarding career path in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

Why take an online JAVA Programming Certification course? How is it better than an offline course?
  1. Convenience: Online learning offers flexibility in scheduling, allowing students to learn at their own pace and from anywhere with internet access.
  2. Accessibility: It eliminates geographical barriers, enabling access to a diverse range of courses and resources.
  3. Cost-effective: Online courses often have lower tuition fees and eliminate expenses related to commuting and physical materials.
  4. Customization: Learners can choose courses tailored to their interests and learning styles, maximizing engagement and comprehension.
  5. Interactive resources: Online platforms offer multimedia tools, interactive quizzes, and discussion forums, enhancing learning experiences.
  6. Updated content: Online materials can be quickly updated to reflect the latest information and developments in various fields.
  7. 24x7 Support: Round-the-clock technical assistance available for all your needs.
What is the average salary for JAVA developer professionals?

The estimated salary of a Java developer in the US market ranges from $70,000 to $130,000 annually, depending on factors like experience, location, industry and skills. Senior developers or those with specialized expertise may earn even higher salaries.